
The Secretive Life of French Toast

The Secretive Life of French Toast

At first glance, it's easy to assume that French Toast is just bread dipped in egg and fried. Ha, ha, ha! How wrong you are! Okay, well yes, that is what it is but it's also so much more. So, what secrets could French Toast be hiding beneath that golden, syrup covered...

A guide to eating out

A guide to eating out

Everyone eats out sometimes, myself included. Going to a restaurant can be fun and an enjoyable experience. In all honesty, if people didn't eat in restaurants I probably wouldn't be here writing this today. So, I am all for people eating out sometimes. Obviously, I...

Learn to cook without measuring ingredients

Learn to cook without measuring ingredients

I was recently asked for advice on how to learn to cook without measuring ingredients. As I actually get asked about this a lot and so I thought a blog post about it would probably be a good idea. I think people are interested in this because they see chefs cooking...

The Abundance Of Summer

The Abundance Of Summer

It is officially summer! The sun is shining, a warm breeze is blowing, and in the fields, fruits and vegetables are growing. Summer is undoubtedly the best time of year when it comes to fresh produce. Yes, we can get pretty much anything we want year round. But I...

Top 10 Songs To Cook To

Top 10 Songs To Cook To

Cooking and music go hand in hand. If you were to pop your head in almost any professional kitchen between services (not during the lunch or dinner rush), you are going to hear music. Sometimes it's played low in the background. And sometimes it's cranked so you can't...

7 Time-Saving Cooking Hacks

7 Time-Saving Cooking Hacks

One of the biggest complaints I get from people when I talk about cooking is time. No one seems to have enough of it. Now, whether it's actually a lack of time, poor time management, or just where someone's priorities lay, I don't know. What I do know is that cooking...

Why It’s Important to Preheat Your Pan

Why It’s Important to Preheat Your Pan

We have likely heard before about the importance of preheating our pans before cooking. But why is it important? What are the benefits of it?  What happens if we don't do it? And are there any scenarios when we don't have to preheat our pans? All of this and more as...

Choosing The Right Knife For You

Choosing The Right Knife For You

Knives are undoubtedly one of the, if not the most important tool in any kitchen. They get used more than just about anything else and so a decent knife is important. But do some people put too much emphasis on them? I absolutely think so. This has become obvious to...

Cooking Because You Want To

Cooking Because You Want To

I am obviously a big proponent of people cooking more. I think that there is tremendous value in it. And I think that it is beneficial to physical health, mental health, and the bank account. But I know that it can get boring and tedious, especially during the week...

Burger Basics – 7 Tips To Make Burgers Better

Burger Basics – 7 Tips To Make Burgers Better

It's almost officially summer and we all know what that means. It's burger time! Burgers are obviously classic summertime fare, and one of those unique foods that pretty much everyone has their own secret recipe for. Now, despite the fact that everyone thinks they...

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