
The Basics Of Soup

The Basics Of Soup

There are few things better when you are feeling down than a bowl of homemade soup. Be it pureed, cream based, or broth based, soup has a unique ability to lighten the spirit and lift your health. It can be quite simple like chicken noodle, or relatively complex like...

Hummus: The Gateway Drug

Hummus: The Gateway Drug

A few moments ago, sitting where I am sitting now, sipping from my morning coffee, writing and deleting sentence after sentence, unsure of how to begin this post, I decided to reach for google. I asked google for statistics regarding the amount of hummus consumed...

Fancy Gets You Nowhere

Fancy Gets You Nowhere

When it comes to cooking, leave the fancy to the professionals. A lot of people get caught up in thinking that they should be able to cook like tv chef's at home. They watch the food network or other cooking shows and think, "Hey! They make that look so easy. I can do...

Cooking For Success

Cooking For Success

The task of cooking can seem overwhelming. There are a lot a variables at play that can make your meal a success or a failure. There are multiple things you have to keep track of simultaneously which at times may seem next to impossible. In reality it's way easier...

The Basics Of Curry

The Basics Of Curry

When it comes to cooking curry, it can seem like a daunting task. The flavours are complex and layered, the techniques may be unfamiliar to those who primarily cook western cuisine, and the list of ingredients can seem endless. However, don't let the perception of...

5 Ways You Are Screwing Up Your Green Vegetables

5 Ways You Are Screwing Up Your Green Vegetables

Today, I want to take a deep dive into the world of green vegetables. I want to talk about why your green vegetables are turning grey when you cook them, and what you can do to prevent this and impart the most flavour during cooking. When cooked, green vegetables...

Homemade Salad Dressing

Homemade Salad Dressing

A good salad dressing should coat your salad but not make it soggy or heavy. The dressing should be vibrant and compliment your salad, yet not over power it. Choosing the right dressing for your salad is just as important as all the other ingredients. You need to find...

Cooking in Contrast

Cooking in Contrast

Your mouth has a short attention span. It gets bored, and fatigued when everything feels and tastes the same. Your mouth likes excitement, it craves playfulness and new experiences. Your mouth needs contrast in order to stay happy. What do I mean by contrast? I mean...

Where To Begin

Where To Begin

I talk a lot about how important it is for people to be able to cook and feed themselves. I give lots of tips and tricks that can save you time and money in the kitchen. I talk about a lot of aspects of cooking that can help you but I seem to be missing one or two key...

Why You Hate Cooking

Why You Hate Cooking

I hear all the time from people who say that they hate cooking. Usually, these same people will also say they can't cook. This always brings to mind the old chicken and egg question. Do they hate cooking because they can't cook, or can they not cook because they hate...

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