

Keep it simple stupid. My philosophy on cooking is that as a chef it is my job to take quality ingredients, pair them with complimentary ingredients, and complementary techniques, and do my best not to screw it up. It is my opinion that cooking is much more about...

Buying Time

We buy the perception of time everyday in the form of convenience foods, fast foods, and pre-made meals that are marketed to make us feel as though they are saving us time. When considered this way, our time is relatively cheap. These "foods" all contain cheap...

How to use Chicken Stock

How to use Chicken Stock

  I have written and talked to people at great length about how to make a great chicken stock and how to stretch your grocery budget by using a leftover chicken carcass to do it. What never occured to me, what I never would have realized in my wildest dreams if...

How To Strategically Burn Meat

How To Strategically Burn Meat

  You know that thing you've been craving, this is it. You didn't know it, but this is it. This is really more about the technique than the recipe. Honestly, I couldn't give you a recipe if I wanted to because there are about 12 different things in the marinade....

Bacon and Corn Chowder

Bacon and Corn Chowder

Bacon and corn chowder is one of the first dishes I ever learned to cook. My mother showed me how to make it as she told me about when she was a girl and would come home for lunch from school and throw a batch together. Ever since that day it has been one of my...

Cooking for Christmas

Christmas is only a few short days away and a lot of you, I'm sure are getting ready to make a dinner for your family. Christmas, along with Thanksgiving are the two times of year that home cooks find themselves cooking large amounts of food for a relatively large...

How To Fry An Egg (and other things)

Eggs can be scary things. They have yolks which can be broken and whites that can contain bacteria. Some people say they are good for you, some say they aren't. They can be cooked a thousand different ways. They can be intimidating. Eggs are just like you, they are...

How to not cut off your fingers

How to not cut off your fingers

Using A Knife How to keep all your fingers.   On tv it looks really cool seeing all these chefs and cooks chop shit really quickly. The thing is they have been doing it for years, their knives are razors, and they know proper technique (even if they aren't using...

Choosing your ingredients

Be picky There are some hard and fast rules to buying ingredients. They differ from produce, proteins, cans, dry goods, etc., but they have one main thing in common, it is not always best to buy the most expensive or the least expensive ingredients. Pay attention to...

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