Today, on this rainy Friday morning I will be answering the top five Google autocomplete answers for the question “How do I cook…” So, let’s jump right into it.
How do I cook… With Google Auto Complete
How do I cook beet greens?
Beet greens are the top of the beet. You know…the green part.
When it comes to beet greens the method of cooking that I prefer is steaming. They are a tender green and so they don’t actually need much cooking.
The first thing you want to do is wash the greens very well under cold running water. The next step is to remove any of the thick pieces of stem. Thin, tender pieces of stem are fine, but anything bigger than a wooden skewer isn’t going to cook nearly as quickly as the greens. You can save the stems, chop them and add them to soups or braises.
Put about an inch or of water in the bottom of a medium to large pot, depending on the number of greens you have. Salt the water and bring it to a boil. Put the greens in the pot, cover, and cook for about 2-3 minutes. Drain off any excess water and then season the greens with butter, salt & pepper, and a bit of cider vinegar. Delicious and very good for you.
How do I cook Spaghetti Squash?
If I’m being completely honest, spaghetti squash is not my most favourite thing in the world. My wife absolutely loves it though. Cooking it is actually pretty easy, it just takes a long time.
The first thing you want to do is cut the spaghetti squash in half lengthwise. This can be difficult and dangerous so please be careful. The best way that I have found to do this is to hold the squash straight up on your cutting board. Place the blade of a sharp knife against the surface of the squash. Give the back of the knife blade a firm whack with your hand. Now, the blade should be penetrating the skin of the spaghetti squash. Slowly work the knife down until you have cut the squash in two.
Preheat your oven to 400°f. Put about 1/2 an inch of water in a roasting pan or casserole dish. Put the squash in cut side down. Roast in the oven for about 40 – 60 minutes. Now, take two forks and scrape the “noodles” away from the skin of the squash. Season with salt & pepper, and butter or toss with your favourite pasta sauce.
How do I cook Swiss Chard?
Swiss Chard is heartier than beet greens and thus takes a bit more time to cook. There are two main ways to cook this delicious green. But either way, you want to separate the leaves from the stems first.
The two main ways to cook swiss chard are sauteeing and steaming. You can also cook the chard with a combination of both sauteeing and steaming.
To saute the swiss chard first, wash it, pat it dry, remove and dice the stems, and thinly slice the leaves. Heat a frying pan or wok over medium-high heat. Add a touch of oil, chopped onion and the stems. Sautee for about two minutes. Now, add the leaves into the pan and saute for another two to three minutes or until the leaves and stems are tender.
To cook the swiss chard by steaming it, follow the same method as for the beet green simply cook the chard for three to four minutes longer. You can also saute the chard for a minute or two and then put a lid of the pot or pan and steam the chard in its own moisture for a few minutes.
All three cooking methods produce equally delicious swiss chard.
How do I cook Chicken Breast in the oven?
Cooking chicken breast in the oven is pretty straightforward.
Season the chicken breast with salt & pepper, or your favourite barbecue sauce. Put the breasts on a baking sheet, broiler pan, or a roasting rack. Place in a 375°f oven for 30 – 45 minutes depending on how thick the breasts are. When they are cooked, they will be firm to the touch and white in the middle. You can also use a thermometer to check doneness. It should read 165°F.
Once the chicken breast is cooked, remove it from the oven and let it rest at least five minutes before cutting into it.
How do I cook ribs in the oven?
Okay, so this question is actually pretty far down the Google autocomplete list but, I have answered all other questions in previous posts. I also think that this question can bring a lot of value to people.
I’m going to assume that we are talking about pork side ribs for purposes of this answer.
The key to cooking ribs, in the oven or otherwise, is low and slow. You want to cook them at a low temperature for a long time. Generally, I cook mine at 300°f for 4-5 hours, or until they are tender. This is completely from raw. Usually, when cooking ribs this way I will brine them in a solution or water, salt, and sugar. This helps the ribs retain moisture over the long cooking time. Though it is a good idea to brine the ribs it is not necessary.
I also usually dry rub the ribs for this type of cooking. It creates a nice crust on the surface of the rib. Don’t worry, if you want a saucy rib, you can just start basting the ribs with sauce about an hour before they are finished cooking. You can also put some sauce on them at the last minute and broil them quickly to get that nice caramelization.
This is hilarious. 😂
Definitely a fun Friday read.
As always, you manage to get some great information into the hands of the people. Cool. Happy Friday!