From kitchen clueless to Food Independent – My free 10-week basic cooking course

It’s hard to believe but I started this blog well over two years ago. The main reason I did was to inspire people to cook more often. The idea was that by sharing information, recipes, and tips I could help people be more efficient and quicker in the kitchen. It was and is my hope that this will lead people to enjoy cooking more, and in turn, cook more.

The biggest issues preventing people from cooking.

When I talk to people about the biggest issues they face when trying to prepare meals at home, time is almost always the answer. I understand. I work a lot, I have a very young child, time easily slips away. But the food we eat is so closely related to our health and happiness, that it should be the last thing to slip, not the first.

Cooking is not only seen as time-consuming but also difficult. I believe that this is due to a lack of knowledge about cooking. Many people in the last few generations haven’t been taught basic cooking skills. For example, how to properly use a knife. It’s not their fault they weren’t taught these skills, but it is a problem. It’s time to change that.

Over the next 10 weeks

Over the next 10 weeks on the blog, I am going to dedicate every Wednesday’s post to basic cooking skills. We’ll start with basic cooking terms, move on to kitchen equipment, basic knife skills and so on. By the end of the 10th week, we will have gone through essentially a crash course in cooking. You will be able to make a variety of things without recipes, you’ll be able to make basic soups and sauce, salads, meals and a variety of other things. But more importantly, you will understand the how and why it all.

It’s my hope that with this free basic cooking course you will be able to enter your kitchen with an entirely new perspective and understanding. And that cooking won’t be something you have to do at the end of a long day, but rather the thing you look forward to to relax.

Who is the free basic cooking course for?

Whether you’ve been cooking at home for years or you’re just starting out, please join me over the next 10 weeks as we get down to the nitty-gritty of cooking. I strongly believe that even the most seasoned home cook will gain some valuable knowledge. And, if you know someone, a friend, your children, a neighbour, or coworker who is kitchen clueless, share this with them and give them the gift of food independence. Together we can make a difference.

Chef Ben Kelly

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