Hearty Soup Series

How To Make Spaghetti and Meatballs Like A Pro

How To Make Spaghetti and Meatballs Like A Pro

Spaghetti and Meatballs is the most Italian food (other than pizza) that most of us can think of. Strangely enough, most Italians would never combine the two. If they do, the two items would be served separately rather than as one dish. However, in North America...

How To Make Homemade Smoked Beef Jerky

How To Make Homemade Smoked Beef Jerky

I think I have mentioned before that I recently bought a little charcoal smoker. I've been using it a fair amount and have had a lot of luck with it. I've smoked chicken, ribs, and a few other things which have all came out delicious. Today though, we are going to...

Thai Coconut Red Curry Pork

Thai Coconut Red Curry Pork

Good morning everyone. First and foremost I want to thank you all for being so understanding and supportive over the last few weeks. I had been feeling pretty drained in part because of everything going on with covid-19, but also because we moved in the middle of all...

Understanding Salads – Kitchen Clueless Basic Cooking Course

Understanding Salads – Kitchen Clueless Basic Cooking Course

Hello everyone! First of all, this blog post is a day late. I'm still in the process of moving (actually finished yesterday), and I got stuck at my old apartment with no internet. Usually, I would just go to a cafe or something, but obviously, that is out of the...

Making Osso Buco From The Joy Of Cooking

Making Osso Buco From The Joy Of Cooking

Last month I started a Cookbook club on Facebook called Chef Ben Cookbook Club. This month our cookbook of focus is The Joy Of Cooking. To kick things off this month I made Osso Buco which is on page 471. (I have an older version of the book if you have an updated...

South West Hamburger Soup

South West Hamburger Soup

Hello everyone and happy Friday. Yes, it is Friday for those of you that have lost track of the days. Today we are going look at how to make South West Hamburger Soup which up until ten seconds ago I thought I'd invented. Unfortunately, a quick Google search has...

Understanding Soups – Kitchen Clueless Basic Cooking Course

Understanding Soups – Kitchen Clueless Basic Cooking Course

In professional kitchens, soup is used as a way to mitigate waste. Vegetables that are close to spoiling, are used to make soup. Leftover roast beef from yesterday's prime rib is used to make soup. Extra leeks came in, make soup. It's tomato season and you've got a...

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