Hearty Soup Series

How to make Homemade Sushi – Yes you can!

How to make Homemade Sushi – Yes you can!

Sushi is something that is both incredibly complex yet, at its core, very simplistic. Think about it; most sushi is a bit of fish or vegetables wrapped in rice and dried seaweed. That's it. When you lay it out like that, it seems pretty basic. But then, you can say it...

Cooking Shows – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Cooking Shows – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I get asked all the time about cooking shows. "Do you watch Top Chef?", "Have you been watching the latest season of Master Chef ?", "Are you into the Great British Bake Off?" and of course, "What's your favourite cooking show?". Because I get asked about this so much...

Thai Mango Chicken – 30 Minutes or Less

Thai Mango Chicken – 30 Minutes or Less

Today is Monday and that means it is 30 minutes or less day here at HTNBS. Due to hurricanes and holiday's it's been a few weeks since I've done a 30 minutes or less. But it's back and I've picked a great dish to come back on. Today we will be making Thai Mango...

My 5 Secrets To Great Chili

My 5 Secrets To Great Chili

The other day I posted a picture of some chili I made at Atlantic SuperStore. They asked me if I would help them to feed people who still didn't have power and I was happy to do it. Since then a lot of people asked me for that chili recipe, but the truth is I didn't...

The Truth About Wooden Cutting Boards

The Truth About Wooden Cutting Boards

For years we have been told that plastic cutting boards are more sanitary and safer than wooden ones. In professional kitchens, pretty much all wooden boards have been replaced by plastic and have been for years. But why? Is there any truth behind this or is it all...

Master Tzatziki In 5 Simple Steps

Master Tzatziki In 5 Simple Steps

Imagine yourself sitting at a table in a restaurant in Greece. The sea air gently blowing in from the open windows. A server walks up to your table and with a big smile puts a bowl of freshly grilled pita bread and homemade Tzatziki down for you to enjoy. You tear...

Meal Prep 101 – Your how-to guide

Meal Prep 101 – Your how-to guide

It is that time of year again, parents are sending their little ones off to school. University kids are moving out on their own once again. And, summer vacations have all but come to an end. Getting back into the daily grind can be a bit hectic, and overwhelming....

The Best Of 30 Minutes Or Less

The Best Of 30 Minutes Or Less

Usually, on Monday I do a post called '30 Minutes or Less' where I describe how to make a specific dish in under 30 minutes. I make and document the dish on Sunday night and write the post in the morning. This weekend I was out of town helping some friends of mine...

My Top 5 Movies About Cooking

My Top 5 Movies About Cooking

People ask me all the time about what my favourite cooking shows are. Truth be told, I don't watch many cooking shows. I do however love movies about cooking. So, today I thought I would put together a top 5 list of my favourite food/cooking movies. This list is...

The Secret to perfectly poached eggs

The Secret to perfectly poached eggs

Poached eggs are a great alternative to both fried and boiled eggs. They also happen to be the style of egg required for one of the best egg dishes of all time, eggs benedict. But if you don't really know what you're doing, making poached eggs can be a bit of a pain....

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