Hearty Soup Series

Campfire Cooking – Beyond Hot Dogs

Campfire Cooking – Beyond Hot Dogs

I don't go camping that often. If I get out 2-3 times a year, that's good. When I do go camping, I see no reason not to eat just as well as I do at home. Now, I have absolutely no problem with hot dogs. I am actually pretty fond of them. But cooking food over an open...

Beef Stroganoff – What it is and how to make it.

Beef Stroganoff – What it is and how to make it.

Beef Stroganoff is one of those simplistic dishes that on the surface seems like it should be pretty good. Really, there are a lot of pretty good beef stroganoffs out there. But today, we're not going to talk about how to make a pretty good stroganoff, are we? Of...

Steak Tacos In 30 Minutes Or Less

Steak Tacos In 30 Minutes Or Less

In all honesty, I struggled to decide what I wanted to make for this 30 minutes or less post. I ran through a lot of options, but none jumped out at me. Then, all of a sudden, like a tonne of bricks it hit me, steak tacos! Of course! These aren't your everyday steak...

Top Five No-Bake Desserts

Top Five No-Bake Desserts

I don't often talk about baking on this blog. In part because I don't really enjoy baking. As you all know I also can't eat gluten which makes baking even more difficult. So, when I do make desserts I prefer ones that aren't baked. Today I thought that since we never...

Basic cooking skills we all need to know.

Basic cooking skills we all need to know.

Last week I wrote an article about how food prices were going to continue to rise making food unbearably expensive. Today I want to offer some semblance of a solution. So, I am going to share with you a handful of basic cooking skills that will hopefully allow you to...

My Top Five Most Used Cookbooks

My Top Five Most Used Cookbooks

Normally on Friday's, I write everything I know about a certain topic, but today in honour of the long weekend I wanted to do something a little different. I am regularly asked about what cookbooks I use and which ones are my favourite. So, today I thought I would put...

Chicken and Ham Penne – 30 Minutes or Less

Chicken and Ham Penne – 30 Minutes or Less

Hello everybody! I have been off for the last week which was very nice, but I have to say that it is good to be back. And what a doozy to come back on! Chicken and ham penne, what's not to love? This recipe came together in about 20 minutes from start to finish and...

The Best Chicken Wings Ever

The Best Chicken Wings Ever

Normally on Fridays, I write a post titled "Everything I know about..." I do a deep dive into a specific topic and share what knowledge I have about it. Today, I decided to do something different. Today, I am going to share with you the recipe for my favourite chicken...

Chickpea Curry – In 30 Minutes or Less

Chickpea Curry – In 30 Minutes or Less

Chickpea Curry is a classic vegetarian dish that can be made in about a thousand different ways. It can be served as either a main course or as a side dish with other curries. And, it is really, really tasty. This version is made very quickly from scratch and still...

Everything I know about Strawberry Shortcake

Everything I know about Strawberry Shortcake

It's that time again! Fresh local strawberries are appearing on grocery store shelves and at farmers' market stalls. That can mean only one thing; it's strawberry shortcake time! I know that we are fortunate enough to live at a time when we can buy "fresh"...

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