Hearty Soup Series

Everything I Know About Chinese Food PT. 3

Everything I Know About Chinese Food PT. 3

This week in the third and final part of "Everything I Know About Chinese Food" I will be talking about won tons, soup, and vegetable dishes. If you haven't checked out part one and part two I suggest you do so before jumping into this on. Okay, let's get into it......

Meal Plans For The Win

Meal Plans For The Win

Sitting down on a Sunday for an hour or so and planning out your meals for the week doesn't sound like the most fun thing to do. It isn't. However, it's a lot more fun than going into full panic mode at 6:30pm on a Wednesday because you have no idea what to make for...

Everything I know about Chinese Food Pt. 2

Everything I know about Chinese Food Pt. 2

Last Friday in part one of this post I talked about cooking with a wok, fried rice, basic Chinese food sauces, and a bunch more. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you go and check it out before jumping into this post. You can read it here. Today we are going to...

How To Taste Your Food

How To Taste Your Food

"Season to taste" is a phrase that is often seen at the end of a recipe. I usually write it at the end of all my recipes. However, I have come to realize that not everyone knows how to do this. So, today we are going to talk about how to taste your food and how to...

Everything I know about Chinese Food Pt.1

Everything I know about Chinese Food Pt.1

To say that there is a big difference between what we think of as Chinese food and what is actually Chinese food is an understatement. First of all China is a massive place with a variety of climates and regions. The over 1.3 billion people who live there don't...

Side Dish Secrets

Side Dish Secrets

There is a trap that we all fall into with side dishes. We prepare them one way for so long that we forget there are other ways. We become numb to their flavours and we bore our palate. It's easier to not think about it and just cook things the same way over and over....

The Ultimate Guide to Perfecting Your Stew-Making Skills

The Ultimate Guide to Perfecting Your Stew-Making Skills

Warm up this winter with the ultimate comfort food - stew! Whether you prefer beef, chicken, pork, goat, lamb, or a hearty vegetarian version, there's no denying that stew is the perfect dish for colder weather. But what exactly is a stew, and how do you make it? Fear...

5 Tips To Cooking Perfect Scallops

5 Tips To Cooking Perfect Scallops

With their sweet, rich flavour and soft, pillow like texture, scallops are amazing. That is, if you don't over cook them. If you do, they end up as tasteless little pieces of rubber that are about as enjoyable to eat as a bike tire. Now, because I like you guys, I'm...

Getting To Know Mexican Food

Getting To Know Mexican Food

Real Mexican food can seem intimidating to people. The assumption is that all Mexican food is spicy and difficult to eat. Yes, spice is definitely an aspect of a lot of Mexican food but it is not the only aspect. There are a lot of Mexican dishes that are mild in...

How To Make Healthy Food Taste Good

How To Make Healthy Food Taste Good

It's over guys. We did it. We made it through the holidays alive. Our wallets might be lighter and our belts might be bit tighter, but we did. Now, it is a new year with new goals, dreams, and resolutions. It is very possible that you made a new years resolution this...

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