Hearty Soup Series

How to cook…google’s most asked questions

How to cook…google’s most asked questions

Every once in a while I like to check out what people are searching for on google. I go to google and type a few words like "How to cook..." and then Google presents me with a list of the most common things people are searching for that starts with those three words....

Autumn – A love story

Autumn – A love story

In a less than a week, the long lingering days of summer will yield to crisp cool air, falling leaves, and the autumn harvest. With this new season comes braises, stews, hearty soups, big roasts and so much more. For the first time in months, we will be able to use...

Everything you ever wanted to know about Polenta

Everything you ever wanted to know about Polenta

Polenta is a dish made of ground corn cooked in water, milk or stock. It can be served either firm or creamy. And for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is a filling, and delicious alternative to pasta, rice, or potatoes. It is often served with braised meats,...

My Five Favourite Vegetarian Meals

My Five Favourite Vegetarian Meals

I am not a vegetarian. Obviously. But you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy vegetarian meals. Good food is good food no matter what category it falls into. With that in mind, I thought I would compile a list of my five favourite vegetarian meals in hopes that it...

Why knowing the basics of cooking is important

Why knowing the basics of cooking is important

Last night I was talking to a friend and food, as it inevitably always does, became to the topic of the conversation. He mentioned how recipes he has gotten off the internet have disappointed him in the past. Essentially, they were complete garbage. He was talking...

The Foundation Of Food – How To Cook International Cuisines

The Foundation Of Food – How To Cook International Cuisines

In French cooking, there is something known as Mirepoix. This is a combination of two parts onion, one part carrots, and one part celery. This mixture of vegetables makes the base of most French soups, braises, and a lot of sauces. Growing up in a region of the world...

5 Sauces That Will Change Your Life

5 Sauces That Will Change Your Life

Last week I talked about five pasta sauces that you needed to master, this week I thought I would talk about sauce in general. Sauces are an important part of cooking and eating. They add colour, flavour, and diversity to a plate. Knowing how to make a delicious sauce...

What don’t you know about coffee?

What don’t you know about coffee?

I feel comfortable saying that at this point in history coffee is powering a fairly large portion of the world. We collectively drink about ten million tonnes of the stuff a year. It is definitely powering this blog and it always has. But how much do we actually know...

5 Pasta Sauces You Need To Master

5 Pasta Sauces You Need To Master

I have never met anyone who didn't like pasta. There are so many different shapes and so many different sauces; it would be impossible not to find something you could love. The problem is that it's easy to get stuck just making the same pasta sauce over and over...

How to make things taste good – All you need is love

How to make things taste good – All you need is love

If you are struggling with cooking, finding it difficult to make things taste good, maybe you're trying too hard. If all you want is for things to be delicious, I've got you covered. There is no need to stress, no need to over think.  All you need, is love. I've...

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