Hearty Soup Series

What To Eat When It’s Too Hot To Cook

What To Eat When It’s Too Hot To Cook

It's Too Hot To Cook This summer has been hot. Like, really hot. And there have been way too many nights that have been too hot to cook. Despite the heat, you still want to eat well. Going out to eat or ordering take-out can get very expensive and the food is rarely...

The Art Of Entertaining

The Art Of Entertaining

I am a personal chef. What that means is that people hire me to come to their house and cook for dinner parties, get-togethers, or to teach them how to cook. Every client is different, and their needs are different. Because of this, I create custom menus for all of my...

The Basics Of Food Safety

The Basics Of Food Safety

I saw an article yesterday titled "Do Canadians know enough about food safety? Survey says no."  The article talks about how "Canadians are becoming less aware of how to safely handle and prepare food..." This is startling but also not that surprising. Too many of us...

5 Essential Spice Blends You Should Master

5 Essential Spice Blends You Should Master

In Western cooking, spice blends are generally just a way to add flavour to food without putting too much effort. We typically don't have spice blends specific to our regional foods or dishes. There are exceptions to this rule, such as Chili Powder to Texmex and Cajun...

The negative side of food trends

The negative side of food trends

A recent study published in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition has changed the game once again. Milk fat, the kind of fat found in full-fat milk, cheese, butter, etc., is not bad for you as many previously thought. In fact, it is probably good for you. This...

5 Quick Cooking Tips To Start Your Week Off Right

5 Quick Cooking Tips To Start Your Week Off Right

Happy Monday everyone. I thought I would start this week off with a few cooking tips that will brighten your week. Enjoy! Rock Hard Avocado There are few things worse than going to the grocery store to buy avocados only to find that they are all hard as a rock....

5 Commonly Disliked Foods and How To Make Them Taste Good

When I was a kid there were two things I hated above everything else. Carrots and Mushrooms. I learned to love carrots pretty quickly. Mushrooms, on the other hand, took me a very long time to learn to like. Everyone has things, be it from their childhood, or recent...

The Principles Of Emulsification

The Principles Of Emulsification

Let's start by explaining what an emulsification is and how it relates to cooking. An emulsification is a mixture of two or more liquids that normally wouldn't mix. Think oil and water. This is done through the use of a binder or an emulsifier. In cooking, this could...

The Simplicity Of Cooking

The Simplicity Of Cooking

I have taught a lot of people to cook over the past few years. In that time one thing that has struck me as more of a hindrance than anything else is people’s need to measure ingredients. Unless you are baking, measuring is really subjective. The quicker you can...

How To Eat Healthy And Not Die

I want to start this by saying that I am obviously not a doctor or a nutritionist, I am a chef. I am also someone who could stand to take his own advice a little bit more. So, in all honesty, I am writing this as much for you as I am for myself.  Alright, let's talk...

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