
The Art Of Tomato Sauce And The Philosophy Of Cooking

The Art Of Tomato Sauce And The Philosophy Of Cooking

Tomato sauce is one of those items that has been cursed by its commonality. Because the sauce is used so frequently it is often overlooked and prepared with little to no thought or effort. There are a few problems with this. First of all, we don't just eat tomato...

Cooking Creatively – Cook Without A Recipe

Cooking Creatively – Cook Without A Recipe

Cooking has always been a creative outlet for me. Taking ingredients and combining them in new ways to create dishes that are greater than the sum of their parts. The ability to create and manipulate flavours simply by changing the way an ingredient is cooked is a...

Which one should I buy? Kitchen Gadget Guide

Which one should I buy? Kitchen Gadget Guide

Cooking is an activity surrounded by a lot of people trying to sell you shit you don't need. Even at the bottom of this blog post, there are Amazon links that pay me money if you click on them and buy something. It's crazy! Every year companies come out with new...

5 things you should never buy at the grocery store

5 things you should never buy at the grocery store

I remember learning to read in elementary school. The teacher would assign us a paragraph and when it came around we would read it out loud. If there was a word we didn't know, or couldn't pronounce, we would be told simply to skip it. This is a terrible habit. In...

Setting Goals and Cooking Better

Setting Goals and Cooking Better

I like to imagine myself in the future as the best possible version of me. The ideal version of me. I imagine all the things I do. All the things I know. I imagine how I think and how I see the world. Then, I imagine all the things I had to do to become that person. I...

Failure – When It All Goes Wrong

Failure – When It All Goes Wrong

  Failure Failure can be hard to stomach both metaphorically and literally. Food is expensive, and making a dish that you aren't happy with, or worse that you can't even eat, is rough. Unfortunately, reality doesn't give a shit about your feelings. Sometimes...

Enjoy cooking by not doing it.

Enjoy cooking by not doing it.

There are just some days when cooking is much harder than others. On those days your fridge looks empty no matter how much food is in it. You feel unmotivated, probably tired. When you have these kinds of days, which are inevitable, what can you do? I suggest you pick...

The Bold Flavours Of World Cuisines

The Bold Flavours Of World Cuisines

I grew up in a rural area of eastern Canada. Like most people growing up outside of cities, I was not exposed to many world cuisines. We ate a lot of meat and potatoes and occasionally we would eat fish. The food was bland in colour and in taste. To be clear, my...

Insects – The Future Of Food

Insects – The Future Of Food

I am a year older than I was two days ago. Sitting here, thinking of the passing of another year in my life has led me to ponder the future. Specifically, the future of food. There are some interesting things happening in our food system. Over the next two to five...

Leftovers – How a $20 duck fed my wife and I for three days.

Leftovers – How a $20 duck fed my wife and I for three days.

Leftovers can get pretty boring. Just think of Christmas or Thanksgiving. You get so tired of turkey by the end of it that you never want to eat it again. This doesn't have to be the case. With a little creativity and ingenuity, you can use leftovers to create unique...

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