Hearty Soup Series

Google Autocomplete “How Do You Cook…” 

Google Autocomplete “How Do You Cook…” 

The time has come once again for a google autocomplete "how do you cook..." post. What is that you ask? Well, very simply I went to the Google homepage and typed "how do you cook" into the search bar. Google suggested ten options to finish my search quarry. I picked...

How To Make Bechamel And Its Derivative Sauces

How To Make Bechamel And Its Derivative Sauces

Last Friday I did a post all about lasagna. In that post, I briefly talked about bechamel and how to make it. Today, I want to look more deeply into bechamel. I am going to give a more in-depth recipe and process and talk about some of the derivative sauces you can...

The Food Of Northern Italy

The Food Of Northern Italy

What is Italian food? This is a question that seems like it has a simple answer. Pizza, pasta, tomato sauce, parmesan cheese, meatballs, etc. These are Italian foods, no question about it. But, saying Italian food is those five Items is only part of the story. It's...

Everything I know about Lasagna

Everything I know about Lasagna

Loved by people and fat orange cats alike, lasagna is one of those dishes that everyone makes. Everyone has there own version, myself included. But like everything, there good and bad versions. So, today I want to take the opportunity to talk about how an okay lasagna...

The Art Of Tomato Sauce – Making it great

The Art Of Tomato Sauce – Making it great

Tomato sauce is one of those things that a lot of us take for granted. It's assessable, and it's easy. But what if I told you that the tomato sauce you've been eating, isn't the best tomato sauce it could be? What if there were a few simple things that you could...

The Secrets Of Great Homemade Pizza

The Secrets Of Great Homemade Pizza

When I was a kid we would often have pizza on Friday nights. Sometimes it was from a local pizzeria but more often than not it was homemade. I always loved knowing that on Friday's it was pizza night. Even more, I loved being able to top my own pizza and watch it cook...

7 Tips For Making Bread

7 Tips For Making Bread

I have always loved bread. It was always one of my favourite things to make and to eat. A fresh baguette or oatmeal brown bread slathered with butter while still warm from the oven is what dreams are made of. Unfortunately, as most of you know, I can't eat real bread...

Top Five Things To Eat When You’re Sick

Top Five Things To Eat When You’re Sick

Two weeks ago I woke up with a bad cold. That cold kind of kicked my ass, but last Monday I thought I was through the worst of it. I was wrong. This past week I have been sicker than I have been in years. I honestly can't remember the last time I was as sick as I have...

Ribs, Ribs, Ribs. This post is about ribs

Ribs, Ribs, Ribs. This post is about ribs

I love ribs. I love them done all kinds of ways and with all kinds of flavours. And so, for whatever reason, I thought today I would talk all about ribs. So sit back, strap in, and get ready to learn everything you ever needed to know about cooking ribs at home. For...

Everything I Know About Seafood Chowder

Everything I Know About Seafood Chowder

When I was a kid, most years at Christmas we would go to my Dad's work party at the Bedford Institue Of Oceanography. There's really only two things I remember about those parties. I remember the touch tanks, and how weird sea cucumbers and starfish felt. And I...

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