Hearty Soup Series

Mashed Potato Secrets – What are you missing?

Mashed Potato Secrets – What are you missing?

Over the weekend I was hired by this very nice family to do a dinner party for nine people. One of the side dishes on the menu was garlic mashed potatoes. I boiled the potatoes with a couple cloves of garlic and then mashed them with cream and butter. After they were...

The Basics of Sauce Making

The Basics of Sauce Making

Sauce making sometimes has this air of mystery about it. There is an implied complication that can deter people from making even the most basic sauces. Today, I am going to show you how uncomplicated sauce making can be. We are going to look at two types of sauces...

Taking the fear out of trying new ingredients

Taking the fear out of trying new ingredients

We get stuck eating the same things over and over... It is very easy to walk around the grocery store and only see the things that we're used to. We walk through the produce aisle and see carrots, onions, kale, spinach but we miss the Chinese long beans, eggplants,...

How do I cook – With Google Auto Complete

How do I cook – With Google Auto Complete

Today, on this rainy Friday morning I will be answering the top five Google autocomplete answers for the question "How do I cook..." So, let's jump right into it. How do I cook... With Google Auto Complete   How do I cook beet greens? Beet greens are the top of...

Win Thanksgiving – Tips from a professional Chef

Win Thanksgiving – Tips from a professional Chef

Thanksgiving day can be hectic and stressful. You are trying to cook a giant meal for way more people than you're used to. You want everything to be perfect and put an unrealistic amount of pressure on yourself. There are people everywhere, kids under feet, and all...

Two simple ways to make your turkey better

Two simple ways to make your turkey better

Thanksgiving day is almost upon us and that can only mean one thing; people are going to be eating a lot of dry ass turkey. It seems almost inevitable that by the time the turkey hits the table every last ounce of moisture will be cooked out of it. This leaves a table...

How To Make Perfect Pie Crust Every Time

How To Make Perfect Pie Crust Every Time

One week from today is Thanksgiving (I'm Canadian), and so I thought I would make this whole week about Thanksgiving. Today, we are going to talk about Thanksgiving desserts, and how to make perfect pie crust. On Wednesday we will be talking Turkey, and on Friday we...

Good Food Versus Great Food

Good Food Versus Great Food

When I was about twenty-three I made a switch from cooking pub food to fine dining. For me at this time, it was a big step up. It was a big change. Of all the things I learned in that first fine dining job, one lesson has always stood out to me. That's the lesson...

Soup Secrets – Everything you want to know

Soup Secrets – Everything you want to know

A first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting. Abraham Maslow The first day of fall has come and gone. The temperature outside has been cut in half in the last week and the autumn winds are howling. That can only mean one thing. It's mother flippin'...

My Hello Fresh Review – From Box to Belly

My Hello Fresh Review – From Box to Belly

Based on the nature of what I do for a living I am regularly asked about delivery meal kits. I think it's probably fairly obvious that I'm not the type of person who would generally buy this type of thing. But, I want to be able to answer these questions when I'm...

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