When you don’t want to cook

May 9, 2018 | Food and Culture

I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. I don’t want to build up a false narrative and create an image that is impossible for people at home to live up to. It is absolutely true that I want you and everyone else to cook more, but I also live in the same world that you do. I know that some days things get away from us and we really don’t have time. I know that sometimes we don’t plan properly. And I know that we sometimes just don’t feel like cooking. That’s okay. But on those days, when we don’t want to, or don’t have time to cook, what should we eat?

Sometimes it’s like we are watching ourselves order a burger and fries and have no control over whats happening.

To be frank, I can’t really tell you what you should eat. Picking up a roast chicken and premade salad is probably better than eating a big greasy pizza. Even though a big greasy pizza would really hit the spot right now. Let’s be clear, we know when something is good for us and when it isn’t. We know what we should eat versus what we want to eat. But sometimes it just doesn’t matter. Sometimes it’s like we are watching ourselves order a burger and fries and have no control over whats happening. And sometimes you just want a burger and fries.

…eat fast food, eat what you want, but cook and eat at home much more than you don’t.

I don’t see any problems with any of us eating whatever we want as long as it is in moderation. Like I’ve said before, eat fast food, eat what you want, but cook and eat at home much more than you don’t. That to me is the key.

if I don’t feel like cooking I’m going to eat a bowl of popcorn, or cereal, or gluten-free mac and cheese.

On those days when I don’t have time, or really just don’t want to cook, and yes it happens, what do I eat? Well, I always have a couple of gluten-free pizzas in the freezer which is my go to. But I love a burger and fries just as much as the next guy. I also really love shawarma and the regional specialty of my hometown the donair. More often than not though, if I don’t feel like cooking I’m going to eat a bowl of popcorn, or cereal, or gluten-free mac and cheese. Those are kind of my go tos.

…within the context of your life, cook as much as you possibly can.

I’m really just telling you this because I want you to know that I do it too. That I eat shitty food sometimes and absolutely love it. That it’s oaky. We are all human, we are all really busy and we all have our own things to deal with. I want you to cook more. I want you to eat at home more. But I fully understand that in order for you to do that, it has to fit into the context of your life. And so if I sat here and said, “you have to cook every night or you’re a terrible person.” you would think I was crazy. You physically can’t cook every single night, I get it. But within the context of your life, cook as much as you possibly can. That is what I want for you and for everyone.

Remember to pick up your copy of my cookbooks!

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