
How I Create Recipes And How You Can Too

How I Create Recipes And How You Can Too

Where do they come from? Those recipes you see in all those cookbooks and all of those websites, how do people create them? I can't tell you exactly what other people do but I can tell you the three techniques that I use to write recipes. And I can tell you how to use...

Learning to love spicy food and why you should

Learning to love spicy food and why you should

Spicy food is not something I ever ate growing up. It was never around for me to try or experience. Because I had no experience with spicy food I had no tolerance for it. Even into my mid-twenties, I couldn't tolerate any heat at all. In fact, medium chicken wings...

My Top 5 Favourite Foods

My Top 5 Favourite Foods

As I'm sure you can imagine, I think about food a lot. It's my favourite thing. I think about it more than I think about anything else. Because of this, I can sometimes get lost in the commotion of it all. I find that it is sometimes important to take a step back and...

How to make a kick-ass salad

How to make a kick-ass salad

Warmer weather is finally here, and with it comes fresh greens and vegetables. Because of this, it's the most salad-full time of the year! Salads are a great way to load up on vitamins and nutrients, and they are delicious. It is easy, however, to get stuck in a...

5 Barbecue Tips To Get You Through The May Long Weekend.

5 Barbecue Tips To Get You Through The May Long Weekend.

It's the May long weekend, the unofficial start to summer. Without a doubt, a lot of people out there in internet world are going to be breaking out their barbecues and kicking summer off right. I love barbecue season because millions of people who say they can't cook...

Simple Food – Letting Ingredients Speak For Themselves

Simple Food – Letting Ingredients Speak For Themselves

It has been my experience that the best way to consistently make good food is to not overcomplicate it. Keep it simple. Don't over think it. It takes less effort to make simple food delicious and generally it is more enjoyable to eat. Now, what do I mean by simple...

The Importance Of Planning Ahead – Meal Planning

The Importance Of Planning Ahead – Meal Planning

Meal planning is not the most exciting topic in the world. In fact, it can be straight-up boring. Unfortunately, it is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against food waste. And of course, in the effort to stretch the ever-shrinking grocery budget there is...

How To Cook A Perfect Boiled Egg

How To Cook A Perfect Boiled Egg

A well cooked boiled egg is a thing of beauty. It is the definition of simplicity, yet to master it can be difficult. It takes practice to get the timing just right. And there are as many techniques for cooking a boiled egg as there are people who enjoy them. I think...

When you don’t want to cook

When you don’t want to cook

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I don't want to build up a false narrative and create an image that is impossible for people at home to live up to. It is absolutely true that I want you and everyone else to cook more, but I also live in the same world that...

Making Mistakes In Pursuit Of Excellence

Making Mistakes In Pursuit Of Excellence

Over eight-teen years have passed since I first stepped foot in a professional kitchen. A lot has changed since my first-day prepping vegetables in a Chinese restaurant. I have learned a lot over the years and grown more than I knew I could. It likely wouldn't...

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